The Problem

Growing disengagement is causing organizations to lose valued employees and clients. Your best people want to grow professionally and make a difference, If they feel invisible or can’t see how they add value, they start considering other opportunities, And most employee engagement solutions are complex, big-data survey tools, requiring months to implement and integrate, and yield only engagement measurements.

At the same time, you need to how your clients are feeling about your services. Most won’t fill out a big ‘satisfaction’ survey at the end of an engagement. Even if they did, it may be too little, too late to save them. Client turnover is most likely your largest cost. Simple formative feedback can increase client retention dramatically.

BoxScore in use

The Solution

BoxScore takes the simple and direct approach using small data. (“Data 'small' enough for human comprehension, that makes it accessible, informative and actionable.” Wikipedia)

We bring you simple, real-time, formative engagement tools – to create and sustain a healthy feedback culture where people love to belong, clients love to work with you, and where teams can reach their potential. Simply engage!

BoxScore offers a unique two-question + comment format that your people or customers can complete in under 30 seconds. Capture and process their thoughts in real-time. You’ll have a stream of immediately actionable insights -- a new feedback loop to boost employee engagement, and client retention.

BoxScore logo.png


✓  Simple, cloud-based, easy to implement. Quick to learn and use. Seconds to respond.

✓  Obtain feedback via the web, tablet, phone, link, kiosk, email, text, QR code.

✓  Fully customizable scoring questions with comment prompt.

✓  Anonymous or identifiable feedback.

✓  Dashboard, analytics, and data exports available for individuals, teams, service lines, classes, client organizations, etc.

Services We Offer

SAAS DIY - or - The Works

BoxScore is a SaaS tool, ready to go on Day 1 for simple DIY, real-time feedback.
- OR -
We can operate the BoxScore application on a “full-service” basis for you:

  • Provide feedback strategy and question design

  • Generate all your feedback requests

  • Provide customized reporting

  • Transmit customized scoring data for integration into your systems

Readiness Assessment services

  • Overview Session and Resources for Real-Time Formative Feedback

  • Management Interviews and Questionnaires

  • In-depth Employee Surveys and Focus Groups

  • In-depth Customer surveys and interviews

  • Social media and online review analysis

  • Evaluation of feedback received previously

  • Feedback Readiness Scorecard and Action Plan


To learn more about our pricing, contact us below.

Please reach out for a quote and to find out how BoxScore can help you.